CALL FOR PAPERS BY THE AFRICAN RESEARCH JOURNAL OF EDUCATION AND SOCIAL SCIENCES (ARJESS) > ISSN: 2312-0134 Email: | Website: Invitation for submission of research papers for Publication Consideration About ARJESS The African Research Journal of Education and Social Sciences (ARJESS) is dedicated to scientific work geared towards theory development, policy formulation and…
Category: Journals Index
List of open access journals
African Research Journal of Education and Social Sciences
The African Research Journal of Education and Social Sciences [ISSN: 2312-0134] is an online peer reviewed journal whose principal objective is to electronically publish research articles in the fields of Education and Social Sciences. The journal is dedicated to scientific work geared towards theory development, policy formulation and action plan in Education and Social spheres in Africa’s developing…
Writers Bureau Centre Online Journals
Writers Bureau Centre (WBC) hosts various peer-reviewed Online Journals in a wide range of academic fields, including humanities, environmental and health sciences, education, management, business administration and medical sciences. These journals are available online to the reader without financial, legal, or technical barriers. However, article processing charges are met by the submitting author(s). Publisher: Writers Bureau Centre Language: English Publication Fee: 200 USD Type: Open…
International Journal of Environmental and Health Sciences – IJEHS
International Journal of Environmental and Health Sciences (IJEHS) publishes high-quality research articles in all the areas of Environment and Health Sciences. IJEHS is currently accepting manuscripts for publication. The Journal’s peer-review is very fast, highly rigorous and it takes only seven (7) days and authors are carried along adequately in all the publication processes. Submission…
IISTE Open Access Journals
The following is a list of open access journals under the management of International Institute of Science, Technology and Education (IISTE). IISTE hosts over 30 peer-reviewed international journals in a wide range of academic fields, including social sciences, natural sciences, biological and medical sciences, education, economics, and management. Business, Economics, Finance and Management PAPER SUBMISSION…
List of Open Access Journals
The following list consists of various Open Access Journal links that you, either as a student of research, scholar or a practitioner may consider to contact. Each journal follows its own publishing criteria. Thus, it is important to read each journal’s author guidelines details before making any attempt to send your manuscript. We at KENPRO…
Open Access Journals Index
KENPRO indexes Open Access Journals on the principle that making information freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge. The key information required for submission of journal(s) to the index includes Journal Category, Journal Title and Journal Website. 1. Journal Category Journal Title and Web Links 2. Agriculture Applied Ecology and…