Project Evaluation
Monitoring and evaluation (M&E) of development activities provides government officials, development managers, and civil societies with better means for learning from past experience, improving service delivery, planning and allocating resources, and demonstrating results as part of accountability to key stakeholders. KENPRO uses a number of project evaluation approaches. This article highlights three key approaches that are commonly used in monitoring and evaluation of projects. These include impact evaluation approach, logical framework approach and rapid appraisal approach.
Impact Evaluation Approach
Impact evaluation is the systematic identification of the effects – positive or negative, intended on individual households, institutions, and the environment caused by a given development activity such as a program or project. Impact evaluation helps to better understand the extent to project interventions reach the poor and the magnitude of their effects on people’s welfare. Impact evaluations can range from large scale sample surveys in which project populations and control groups are compared before and after, and possibly at several points during program intervention; to small-scale rapid assessment and participatory appraisals where estimates of impact are obtained from combining group interviews, key informants, case studies and available secondary data.
Measuring outcomes and impacts of an activity and distinguishing these from the influence of other, external factors.
Helping to clarify whether costs for an activity are justified.
Informing decisions on whether to expand, modify or eliminate projects, programs or policies
Drawing lessons for improving the design and management of future activities.
Comparing the effectiveness of alternative interventions.
Strengthening accountability for results.
Questionnaire: A structured questionnaire with a limited number of closed ended questions that is administered to a number of people. The selection of respondents may be random or ‘purposive’ sampling procedure.
Key informant interview: a series of open-ended questions posed to individuals selected for their knowledge and experience in a topic of interest. Interviews are qualitative, in-depth, and semi-structured or unstructured. They rely on interview guides that list topics or questions.
Focus group discussion: a facilitated discussion among 8–12 carefully selected participants with similar backgrounds. Participants might be beneficiaries or program staff. The facilitator uses a discussion guide. Note-takers record comments and observations.
Direct observation: use of a detailed observation form to record what is seen and heard at a program site. The information may be about ongoing activities, processes, discussions, social interactions, and observable results.
KENPRO team mainly conducts impact evaluation (objective-based evaluation).
The Logical Framework Approach
The logical framework (LogFrame) helps to clarify the objectives of any project, program, or policy. It aids in the identification of the expected causal links—the “program logic”—in the following results chain: inputs, processes, expected outputs, outcomes, and impact. It leads to the identification of performance indicators at each stage in this chain, as well as risks which might impede the attainment of the objectives. The LogFrame is also a vehicle for engaging partners in clarifying objectives and designing activities. During implementation, the LogFrame serves as a useful tool to review progress and take corrective action.
LogFrame engages stakeholders in the planning and monitoring process. When used dynamically, it is an effective management tool to guide the implementation, monitoring, and evaluation of project.
Rapid Appraisal Approach
Rapid appraisal methods are quick, low-cost ways to gather the views and feedback of beneficiaries and other stakeholders, in order to respond to decision-makers’ needs for information.
Providing rapid information for management decision-making, especially at the project or program level.
Providing a qualitative understanding of complex socioeconomic changes, highly interactive social situations, or people’s values, motivations, and reactions.
Providing context and interpretation for quantitative data collected by more formal methods.
Questionnaire: A structured questionnaire with a limited number of closed ended questions that are administered to a number of people (50–75). The selection of respondents may be random or ‘purposive’
Key informant interview: a series of open-ended questions posed to individuals selected for their knowledge and experience in a topic of interest. Interviews are qualitative, in-depth, and semi-structured. They rely on interview guides that list topics or questions.
Focus group discussion: a facilitated discussion among 8–12 carefully selected participants with similar backgrounds. Participants might be beneficiaries or program staff, for example. The facilitator uses a discussion guide. Note-takers record comments and observations.
Direct observation: use of a detailed observation form to record what is seen and heard at a program site. The information may be about ongoing activities, processes, discussions, social interactions, and observable results.