The following constitutes the basic information on journal article publication for an author considering to submit an article for publication consideration. Note that these guidelines may differ from one journal to another. Format: The basic outline of publishing a research article with a scholarly journal would take an IMRaD approach of Scientific paper outline: Introduction,…
Category: Publications
Education and Social Research Series: Research Proposal Writing Guide
Book Publishing Frequently Asked Questions
This is the basic information for an author who is interested in publishing a book with KENPRO. Here you will find answers to the most frequently asked questions on publishing with us. Each publisher has her own publishing criteria. However, these questions are relevant for any author considering publication of his/her work. Do I have…
Needs Assessment Survey of Persons With Disabilities in Dadaab Refugee Camps, Kenya
By Anthony M. Wanjohi: Executive Summary: It is commonly recognized that Persons With Disabilities (PWDs) have generally poorer health, lower education achievements, fewer economic opportunities and higher rates of poverty than people without disabilities. This is attributed to lack of adequate health, education, and livelihood services. The main purpose of this survey was to assess the…
Defying all Odds: The Story of a Peasant Boy
Author: Anthony M. Wanjohi and Philip Murimi Publisher: KENPRO Place: Nairobi Sold by: Amazon Media EU S.à r.l. Language: English Year: 2012 Book Description: Most children depend on their parents’ inclination to nurture their livelihood and well being. But for one Kariuki (meaning he who dies and is reborn in Kikuyu), the intricacies of his…
Sustainability of Community Based Projects
Author: Anthony M. Wanjohi Publisher: LAP Lambert Academic Publishing Year: 2010 Abstract: Attainment of any form of sustainability is not an endeavor of a single day, but a life long process. This study sought to examine the major issues facing the sustainability of Community Based Projects in developing countries with reference to Kenya. The…
Primary Science Revision Guide for Standards 6, 7 and 8
Book Category: Primary School Author: Anthony M. Wanjohi and John M. Mbuthia Publisher: KENPRO Publications Place: Nairobi Year: 2011 Book Description: This revision guide is designed to assist both the teachers and the pupils in getting prepared to move from one level to the other and to embrace life with knowledge and skills. The guide…
The Role of Graphic Design in Enhancing Effective Marketing
Authors: Tracy Bett and Anthony M. Wanjohi Publisher: Lambert Academic Publishing – Germany Year: 2011 Abstract: Graphic design is a creative process which can be instrumental in enhancing effective marketing of services. It is applied to products of company identity like logos, colors, packaging and text. This study examined the role of graphic design in…