In this article, the first part provides an overview of biogas plant size selection before dwelling on factors influencing the selection of the biogas plant size. These factors include feedstock supply, capital availability, environmental analysis and consciousness, and local government policy, among others.
Tag: biogas production
Factors Influencing the Selection of Biogas Plant Construction Site
When carrying out biogas construction and implementation, there are key areas that need to be considered before setting up the project. One of them is where the site will be set up for biogas plant construction. This article highlights the factors influencing the selection of the biogas plant site. The site selection for biogas production should be convenient for both biogas production and for consumers.
A Brief Review of Consumption of Biogas in the Context of Somalia
Authors: Anthony M. Wanjohi1 and Erastus K. Irungu2 1,2Kenya Projects Organization P.O. Box 15509-00503, Mbagathi, Nairobi-Kenya Corresponding Author Email: Abstract Despite technological advances, many people, particularly in developing countries’ rural areas, continue to meet their cooking energy needs by burning biomass resources such as crop residues, firewood, and animal dung in crude stoves. Such…