We at KENPRO offer consultancy and training on project planning and implementation to the members of Non-Governmental Organizations, Community Based Organizations, Faith Based Organizations, Self-help groups, youth groups, women groups among others.
Project Planning
In project planning and implementation, KENPRO makes use of Logical Framework Approach as a planning, implementation and monitoring tool.
Logical Framework describes in an operational way in matrix form the most important aspects of an operation, provides a way of checking whether the operation has been well designed and facilitates improved monitoring and evaluation. Table 1 illustrates the Logical Framework Format
Table 1: Logical Framework Format
Key components in the development of the Logical Framework
Goal: The objective goal specifies the benefits, which the beneficiaries will enjoy as a result of the project. The Development Goal is often related to the problem/need which the project is seeking to address, and is seen as the longer term desired solution or change.
Purpose: The purpose expresses the action that the target group will take in order to bring about the desired change. The Project Purpose often describes a change in the target group’s behaviour, resulting from its use of the services or products provided by the project.
Outputs (results): These are the goods/services/products, which the project makes available to the target group are described. These are the responsibility of the project.
Activities: They are all the steps, which the project takes to provide the various goods, services and products-or outputs are listed.
Input: This include physical, non-physical inputs that facilitate implementation of a project. They also include human resources and virtual aspects such as opportunity, demand and access etc
Project Implementation
Project implementation matrix streams from the logical framework. It includes planned activities, actors and time-line of the set activities.
Table 2: Project Implementation Matrix
Project planning and implementation are key components in a project cycle. Without proper planning, project implementation may not be realized.
For more inquiries about project planning and implementation, contact us