By Anthony M. Wanjohi:
A study by Kamau, (2010) on the challenges facing Small and Medium Enterprises in Nairobi revealed that crime was one of the most pressing issue in the Nairobi City. The Figure below shows the level of crime as indicated by a vast majority of the respondents who took part in the study.
Fig. 1 Level of crime within CBD
A vast majority, (78.9%) of the Nairobi CBD business owners who took part in the study indicated that the level of crime was moderately high in Nairobi. As a matter of fact, the crime level in the city and its surroundings has continued to fluctuate over years. An earlier study conducted by Stavrou (2002) found that in the business sector, a total of 30% of all commercial enterprises revealed that they had been victims to a burglary during the year preceding the survey study. Thus the crime rate has not improved despite government putting in place various counter measures. Installation of CCTV surveillance cameras is however likely to improve security in the City.
Kamau, P. (2010). Managing Challenges Facing Small and Medium Enterprises in Nairobi Central Business District. Journal of Research Abstracts, JRA, Volume 4, 2010.
Stavrou, A. (2002). Crime in Nairobi. Retrieved August 20, 2010 from