Biogas is a gas that constitutes a combination of methane and carbon monoxide, among other gases. It is produced during anaerobic digestion of organic substrates, such as manure, sewage sludge, the organic fractions of household and industry waste, and energy crops. This article covers the benefits and the uses of biogas
Tag: sustainable renewable energy
Biogas Program in Kenya: History, Challenges and Milestones
Authors: Anthony M. Wanjohi1, Erastus K. Irungu2 and Hosea C. Gicheru3 1,2,3Kenya Projects Organization P.O. Box 15509-00503, Mbagathi, Nairobi-Kenya Corresponding Author Email: Abstract According to FAO data from 2017, over 2.4 billion people rely on wood for cooking. The use of wood and charcoal contributes to greenhouse gas emissions while also contributing to deforestation…