School Environmental Conservation Program, Kenya

Environmental conservation concerns the practice of humans to save the environment from collapsing, such as loss of species, ecosystems due to pollution and human activities. This program covers not only conservation of species but also the management of waste.

The issue of poor waste management continues to threaten every positive gain made towards attaining sustainable environmental conservation globally. By the year 2012, there were about 3 billion urban residents in the world generating about 1.2 kg of solid waste per person per day (1.3 billion tonnes per year). By 2025, it is estimated that there will be about 4.3 billion urban residents in the world generating about 1.42 kg/capita/day of municipal solid waste which translates to 2.2 billion tonnes per year. The problem of Solid Waste cuts across all nations in the world, but much more felt in developing countries like Kenya due to lack of sound solid waste management systems.

The city of Nairobi, the capital of Kenya, with a population of more than 3 million people, is a centre of industry, education and culture. It hosts over 25 per cent of Kenya’s urban population. Its uncontrolled growth, just like many other cities in developing countries has put pressure on the neighbouring towns. School Environmental Conservation Program, Kenya (SECP-K) is intended to provide a roadmap to sustainable environmental conservation in Kenya through schools as agents of change.

The specific objectives of School Environmental Conservation Program, Kenya are to:

1. Promote environmental conservation through tree planting in and around schools in Kenya,
2. Engage in regular school outreach clean up activities and
3. Partner with key environmental conservation ambassadors.

Kenya Projects Organization (KENPRO) is the implementing organization in partnership with other stakeholders including but not limited to Government (Local and County Government), Non Governmental Organizations, Institutions of Learning, Financial Institutions, Health Institutions, Business Owners, Recycling companies, Supermarkets, Solid Waste Collectors,and Youth and Women Groups in various counties in Kenya. Kajiado county will however be used as a pilot county owing to its demographics in relation to environmental issues.

The program is build upon the tenets of Participatory Learning in Action (PLA) which promotes learning through participatory action. Schools as members of Community will participate as principal agents of environmental conservation.

The rationale behind the application of PLA in strategy design in environmental conservation lies in the fact that the approach helps to: overcome biases, stereotypes, prejudice, professional bondage and apathy, offset development tourism and roadside analysis, overcome hypothetical project planning, lay foundation for sustainability, build capacity for participation, promote learning and broaden impact. Above all, this approach creates a sense of ownership and therefore brings about sustainability.

When and if fully implemented, this program is expected to: promote
environmental awareness in the community; help in creating positive attitude towards maintaining clean environment; compliment the services rendered by the county council; maintain healthy flora and fauna and promote unity among leaders and the community.

Undaunted, SECP-K is a program committed to excellence, with a clear goal, objectives, and passion for delivering outstanding results to improve environmental conservation in Kenya.

Institution: Kenya Projects Organization
Date: Ongoing
Program Manager: Anthony M. Wanjohi

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