Dimensions of Education based on Ducasse

By Anthony M. Wanjohi



1.0 Introduction

This paper gives a brief mention of various dimensions of education according to Ducasse and Njoroge and Bennaars. The paper mainly exposes two dimensions of education according to the writers own view based on the existing dimensions and the knowledge on human nature (body and mind).


2.0 Dimension of Education

Various dimension of education are built upon the very human nature. The concept implies that there is a set of inherent distinguishing characteristics in human being that include thinking, feeling and acting.


3.0 Ducasse’s Dimensions

Ducane based his dimensions of education on the very human nature. These included the following:

  1. Intellectual education
  2. Physical education
  3. Vocational education
  4. Education in social dexterity
  5. Education of the will
  6. Aesthetic Education
  7. Moral and religious Education
  8. Liberal education.


Critical analysis of these 8 dimenstion reveal the very dimenstion of human nature. Human being is both mind  and body. Human being has is intellectual, physical and also emotive. There are acts that flow from mind, will (volitional) and body. As such, Ducasse’s dimensions can be summarized into two, namely cognitive and physical.


Njoroge’s and Bennaars’ Dimensions

Njoroge and Bennaars on the other hand, came up with four (4) main dimensions of education. These include the following:


A closer look reveals that these dimensions also belong to two main orders, namely immaterial (mind, will) and material (body) order.


Personal View of  Dimenstions of Education

Based on the aforementioned dimensions of education (Ducasse’s and Njoroge and Bennaars’), Maloi (2010), a student at Africa Nazarene University, came up with two principal dimensions of Education, namely Cognitive and Physical dimension of education. 


Cognitive Dimension of Education

Cognition is the scientific term for "the process of thought. It implies to conceptualization" or recognition). It involves the processing of information, applying knowledge, and changing preferences. In relation to education, cognitive dimension of education is that which deals with knowledge.


Education is normally equated with acquisition of knowledge. Learning can not be said to have taken place if no knowledge has been passed to the learners. In fact, knowledge is whatever remains after all has been forgotten. 


Education has explicit task in society to develop the learners cognition. Choices are made regarding the learning environment and permitted actions that lead to a formed experience. There are a lot of cognition processes that take place for learning to occur. Therefore, the learning environment (teachers, resources, etc) are important components of knowledge acquisition.


Physical dimension of education

Human being is able to learn since because of connection to the environment through physical presence (Body). Human beings are not spirits. The acquisition of knowledge is made possible by embodiment. Thus this dimension of education is essential in mental learning and acquisition of skills. These skills have their very foundation inn the physical nature of human beings. Further, the feelings, volitions are also deeply founded in physical dimension of human being.


Education thus Defined

Education comes from a latin word, educere which means to bring out, bring out potential.  Following the limitation of dimension of education into two – cognitive and physical, the term education is thus defined as a process through which cognitive and physical aspects of human being are developed.







Suggested Citation in APA

Wanjohi, A.M. (2011). Dimensions of Education. KENPRO Publications. Available online at http://www.kenpro.org/papers/education-dimensions.htm

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