Abstract: The purpose of this study was to determine the sustainability of church managed projects with reference to Kenya Evangelical Lutheran Church (KELC) in Nairobi. The study examined characteristics of KELC that influenced the sustainability of projects, components put in place to sustain church based projects, challenges facing KELC in sustainability of church based projects…
Category: Academic Papers
Academic papers
The Role of Human Resource Department in the Employee Recruitment Process: A Case Study of Co-operative Bank of Kenya
Abstract: The function of recruitment is a fundamental one in every organization. Every organization today is in competition for its most essential resource, namely qualified and knowledgeable people. The recruitment function of human resource department in an organization can lead either to the success or failure of an organization. The main purpose of this study…
Adoption of Poverty Reduction Strategies: A Study of the Archdiocese of Nairobi
Abstract: The main purpose of the study was to examine strategies used by the Archdiocese of Nairobi in poverty reduction. The study sought to examine the coordination of church supported projects, the challenges facing the Archdiocese in improving peoples’ quality life and suggestions to improve church supported projects. The sample consisted of one hundred and…
The Role of Play on Holistic Development of Children in Pre-schools in Athi River Zone of Kenya
Abstract: The main purpose of the research was to find out the role of play on holistic development of children in pre-schools in Athi River Zone of Kenya. The study sought to find out: the role of play in children’s development among the pre-schools in Athi River Zone, factors affecting play among pre-school children in the …
Reproductive Health Awareness among the Secondary School Students in Eastern Province of Congo
Abstract: The main purpose of this study was to examine the reproductive health awareness among the secondary school students in Eastern Province of Congo. The study was guided by the following research questions: a) What is the level of reproductive health awareness regarding sexual development among secondary school students in Dungu-durumao Diocese, Eastern Province of…
Effects of Child Labour on the Enrolment in Pre-Schools
Abstract This study aimed at finding out the effects of child labour in the enrolment of eight years children in Mashuru zone of Kajiado District. The study sought to: a) find out the effects of child labour on the enrolment of children in primary schools in Mashuru zone; b) establish the causes of child labour…
Logical Framework as a Monitoring and Evaluation Tool
By Anthony M. Wanjohi Logical Framework is a planning, monitoring and evaluation tool. Logical Framework (LogFrame): is a set of related concepts describes in an operational way in matrix form the most important aspects of an operation provides a way of checking whether the operation has been well designed. Facilitates improved monitoring and evaluation The…